Impact, use case

The tool semAuth v06 is the child of two different predecessors.

  • The tool semAuth v02 (published under LGPL on sourceforge in 2008) was a tool to export a freemind map into arbitrary xhtml structures.
  • The tool mm2flo (mindmap to F-logic) was developed within (and published under GPL in 2009 on the website of in order to allow for agile terminology outlining in early phases of ontology engineering projects.

Even if both fields of applications now are narrowly integrated in one single tool they remain two use cases.

For each use case semAuth adds benefit compared to other applications.

  • The main benefit of semAuth can be drawn from the fact that you can combine both use cases freely as additional needs arise.
  • Once you get aquainted with maintaining knoweledge models in mindmaps semAuth allows to migrate seemless between text authoring and ontology modelling.
  • It is this combination within one lightweight interaction paradigm which opens the door to semantic authoring also for end users.

semAuth use case: static web site generation

If you are mainly interested in maintaining a static multi document website from one single source with a lightweight tool, you may simply ignore the semantic capabilities of semAuth. The main benefit of using semAuth for publishing is the fact that you can make use of the mindmapping technology for editing and authoring.

In order to give a large scale example how to represent a complex argumentation we have transformed the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of Ludwig Wittgenstein in a mindmap: c.f. | freemind source: html rendering:

semAuth use case: ontology engineering

If you are mainly interested in knowledge management or terminology management, you simply may simply ignore the publishing capabilities of semauth.

The main benefit of semAuth then is to an editable tree visualization of an ontology.

Examples c.f. section Examples.html