Technical documentation

semAuth v0.6

semAuth v0.6 comes in three packagings:

  • semAuthRDFS (GPL license): It allows for authoring RDFS ontologies, embedding the semantics as RDFa annotations into the html output. The GraphML export for the yEd editor from already is included.
  • semAuthOWL (commercial license): semAuthOWL is available under a commercial licence. It allows for authoring OWL2 RL and ObjectLogic ontologies. It also comprises some more sophisticated import and export utilities.
  • semAuthMetaModel (commercial license): semAuth MetaModel makes heavy use of meta modelling a tagging syntax and semantics. (In fact the other two versions are generated automatically from specific meta models.) semAuth MetaModel can be aligned easily to read your own tree tagging systems and export it to your own corporate data formats. Simply come into contact with us!

All three packagings provide identical features regarding the html output. While semAuth RDFS is perfectly fine for end users seeking for a lightweight semantic publishing tool, the semAuth OWL version is the right tool for experienced ontology engineering professionals.

CAUTION: semAuth v0.6 still is pre alfa status. Don't use this tool for productive purposes!


The files within the package come with the following licenses:

Files with copyright owner Johannes Busse:

  • All files with the extension .xsl and .bat are published under the GPL licence.
  • Dual licensing for commercial puropses is intended.

3rd party contributions:

  • An already installed Java run time environment is required.
  • YAML uses the jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2, which is GPL.