Download the dsci-lab OVA file

Download the dsci-lab OVA file#

install VirtualBox#

Download Oracle VM VirtualBox

2024-03-12: We built the dsci-lab with Version 6.1.50, but it should also wor with 7.0.x.

Start VirtualBox. To install the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack, download it

2024-03-12: We have installed the 6.1.50 guest extensions into the guest system, which should also work with 7.0.x (to be confirmed).

OVA-File SS 2024#

Download virtual machine as a OVA-File:

$ sha256sum dsci-lab_22.04_ss24.ova

NEW 2024-06-13: Exahm Computer

Select VirtualBox > Datei > Appliance importieren

Boot the virtual machine.

Login into XUbuntu with

  • user dsci (full name Data Scientist): password: dscidsci

  • user install: password “1nstall” (the letter “i” is replaced with number “1” one)

Start firefox (“Internetnavigator”). You should be able to browse the internet.

IMPORTANT: Update machine immediately! Open an terminal and enter:

sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade; sudo apt autoremove