GenDifS 0.6

GenDifS 0.6#

(This site: documentation skeleton for GenDifS 0.6, July 2023)

Genus Proximum, Differentia Specifica (GenDifS) is a language for modeling the T-box of a middleweight ontology in a mindmap.

The instances (the A-box) for an GenDifs can be imported from CSV files. Thus GenDifS can also be understood as a tool to transform CSV files to RDF(S).

For an introduction to GenDifS, see e.g.

GenDifS is still in early development. The current version 0.6 is a functional prototype: The available language elements change, and not even the syntax is stable. Thus the software is not yet openly available. An open source license is intended.

If you are interested in the project, just contact us: Johannes Busse, jbusse(at)